Better Sleep Awaits… We CAN Help You Stop Snoring

If snoring is a part of your nightly struggle, we don’t have to tell you about the exhaustion and damaged relationships that it can cause.

lose weight stop snoring

Can Shedding Pounds Help You Stop Snoring?

Mark Walton3 min read

If you have been trying to lose weight for years, then just reading a title that mentions losing weight likely makes you feel a little discouraged. Now, you have one more reason to make healthier food options and exercise. If…

stop snoring exercise

Is Exercise an Effective Snoring Solution?

Mark Walton4 min read

If you are overweight and you snore, you have likely already read or been told, that losing weight could reduce or eliminate your symptoms. Of course, if you are like many others, the idea of spending what little free time…

sleep apnea info

Obstructive Sleep Apnea vs. Snoring

Mark Walton3 min read

There is a lot of confusion regarding the difference between obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) and snoring. Some people who snore loudly assume they have OSA. Then, there are plenty of individuals with OSA who believe they are just loud snorers.…

weight gain from snoring

Is Snoring Causing You to Gain Weight?

Mark Walton2 min read

Have you been told that you need to lose weight to stop snoring? Well, what if snoring is causing the weight gain or at least making it harder for you to lose weight? Sort of changes your perspective, right? This…

Snore Eliminator Review

Snore Eliminator Coupons

Mark Walton1 min read

Snore Eliminator is already very reasonably priced, however from time to time the company will provide a discount coupon to make the price even more appealing. Using a discount does not void any other terms such as the shipping or…