Somnoguard Review
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How to Buy SomnoGuard

SomnoGuard is only available in the United States with a prescription written by a dentist or doctor. Many physicians in the country are already offering these devices to patients to treat snoring and obstructive sleep apnea (OSA). 1st Line Medical Supply Company works directly with specific providers in certain states.

Not all states currently have medical professionals carrying this snoring mouthpiece or even familiar with SomnoGuard. If a provider is not currently available in your area, your physician can request more information about enrolling directly from the distributor.

Ordering Information for SomnoGuard

Just because your physician is not currently partnered with SomnoGuard does not mean you have to sit around and wait for them to sign up. You can order a SomnoGuard directly through 1st Line Medical Supply Company.

You do still need a prescription from your medical provider though. A copy of a prescription form is available on the company’s website. It has to be filled out by your physician. This needs to be faxed to customer service at 800-918-7860.

Then, you need to call 866-720-8080 during business hours Monday through Friday to select the model you want and to pay by credit card.

Although not mandatory, it is strongly recommended by 1st Line Medical Supply Company to schedule an appointment with your dentist or physician upon receiving the product, so that they can help you with the fitting process.

If you are ordering the device to treat sleep apnea rather than strictly snoring, you may be eligible for reimbursement through your insurance provider. You will need to be diagnosed with obstructive sleep apnea, if this is the case.  Read our SomnoGuard review for more information.

See this video for more information on SomnoGuard fitting