
Zyppah vs VitalSleep

Zyppah vs VitalSleep

The Zyppah and VitalSleep are MADs (mandibular advancement devices). The Zyppah has an additional feature that really makes it more of a hybrid device. I found each device very comfortable to wear. However, the Zyppah has a slight edge over VitalSleep in terms of effectiveness and comfort. VitalSleep costs less, cleans easier and has a unique…

SnoreMate Review

SnoreMate Review

SnoreMate has been on the market longer than many other anti-snoring devices and it has a budget-friendly price, so you might be feeling a lot like you hit the jackpot, if you just stumbled upon this product. However, even a super low price is not worth paying, if the product does not live up to…

box with sleepsilent mouth guard

SleepSilent Mouth Guard Review

Update: SleepSilent appears to have changed their name or merged with SnoreMD. The devices are very similar to each other. You can go directly to our SnoreMD review here. SleepSilent is a new device released in 2017 that was developed to help patients with bruxism but can also prevent snoring. Available on Amazon, the device…

SnoreRX vs ApneaRX

ApneaRx vs SnoreRx

The ApneaRx and SnoreRx are both classified as MADs (mandibular advancement devices). My experience with each of them is similar to most consumers: both MAD devices do an excellent job. The SnoreRx Plus has a significant advantage over the ApneaRx due to its sleeker design, more customizable fit, and its lower cost. Snoring Mouthpieces Compared ApneaRx…

SnoreMender Promo Code

SnoreMender PS Coupon

The SnoreMender anti-snoring mouthpiece comes at a very reasonable price, however why not use a discount coupon code if available? We will update this page with the latest promo codes to make sure you get the best price you can for the product. When using a discount code, you will not invalidate the 90 day…

theravent product box

Theravent Sleep Study Results

Snoring can be a problem for people of all ages. Around thirty percent of people aged thirty years and above suffer from snoring. This can cause disruptions to both you and your partner’s sleep. Sleep plays a prominent role in your physical and mental health and ongoing sleep deficiencies are correlated with higher risks of…

SnoreRX vs SnoreMender

SnoreRx vs SnoreMender

My experience with the SnoreRx Plus and the SnoreMender is similar to that of a majority of consumers: both MAD devices do a good job in stopping a person from snoring. There are few differences between the two models that are important to note when considering which one to purchase. Snoring Mouthpieces Compared Understanding several important…