woman waking up from a restful night of sleep

Sleep Positions That Stop Snoring

A persistent snoring habit can certainly make life difficult, impairing quality of sleep for not only the snorer but everyone else sharing their house, too!

This snoring can cause many issues that, over time, can seriously affect your physical and mental well-being, such as daytime sleepiness, reduced cognitive function, and relationship issues. If you are one of the 75% of snorers suffering from obstructive sleep apnea, this can even increase your long-term risk of developing heart disease. Read below to explore sleep positions that can be effective in preventing snoring.

sleep position on couchIt is obviously in the interests of you and everyone around you to reduce your nighttime noises. While there are countless anti-snoring devices and remedies available, reducing snoring can be as simple as adjusting your sleeping position.

The noises you produce in your sleep are most often the result of an obstructed airway, which happens when the muscle supporting the tissues in the nose and throat relax as you slumber and produce that rattling, snorting sound.

Many of us habitually sleep on our backs, but this is the worst position for snorers as it allows the tissues at the back of the throat to collapse into the airways, where they vibrate as they obstruct the airflow.

Adjusting the position of your head and neck can open those airways significantly, allowing for a smoother passage of air and a more restful night – here are our top sleep position suggestions:

Prop up Your Chin

Tucking something just under the chin can help to firm up the skin around your neck, creating a tension that firms up the throat tissues and lessens their vibrations as you breathe. You can use a small pillow or even your hand for this, but if you move around in your sleep, this can easily be displaced, causing you to start snoring again.

For those of you who aren’t motionless sleepers, a chin strap can be the ideal solution. Chin straps can be secured around the back of the head, holding them in place while you sleep and keeping your airways clear throughout the night, and can produce excellent results when it comes to reducing your snoring.

Elevate your Head

Propping up your head while you sleep alters the angle of your neck and throat, which can help to open the airways and allow you to breathe more easily (and quietly). It is also a great way to ease nasal congestion; another key culprit in causing snoring. This ease can be achieved simply by using a thicker pillow, or adding an extra one, and can make a great deal of difference to your quality of sleep.

If you decide to give this method a go, opt for a firmer pillow, as a soft one will allow the throat to relax and obstruct your breathing. This method produces excellent results for many people and can put an end to snoring once and for all, although some complain of a stiff neck in the morning.

Sleep on Your Side

People who sleep on their backs typically have the worst problems with snoring, as the tissues in the throat collapse into the airways in this position and can exacerbate your breathing difficulties. Switching up your sleeping position and lying on your side is a simple way to remedy this, but can be difficult to maintain if you move around in your sleep.

Consider investing in a full-length body pillow, as a means of supporting your body as you sleep on your side. These can make it a lot easier to remain in this position throughout the night, and can drastically improve your quality of sleep.

Elevate your Abdomen

Propping up the abdominal area is another great way to open those airways and reduce blockage and vibrations for a more restful, soundless sleep. This reduction can be easily done by simply popping a pillow under the small of your back when you go to bed, where it is easy to keep in place and can significantly reduce your snoring.

This idea is a preferred method for many people, as it does not interfere with their normal sleeping position and does not cause discomfort in the night (or any aches and pains the next morning!)

With so many alternative sleep positions to try, it is simply a matter of finding out which one works best for you. Trial and error is the best way to determine your ideal posture in bed, and which is most effective in opening your air passages to allow for a more restful, peaceful sleep.

Achieving a sound night’s sleep has numerous health benefits, both physical and mental, and can result in a better quality of life both for you, and anyone else who shares your bedroom!