
several different mouthpieces

Mandibular Advancement Devices (MAD) vs. Tongue-Retaining Devices (TRD)

We all sleep to relax. Nothing revolutionary about that concept, of course. What happens, though, is that the muscles in your throat relax too, and their resting position can often block the path from your mouth/nose down to your lungs. Mouthpieces were designed to address this problem. There are two primary styles of anti-snoring mouthpieces…

TheraSnore How to Clean It

How to Clean Your TheraSnore?

Since the TheraSnore has an upper and lower tray, which can be separated, and a lingual post as part of the lower tray, it is more complicated to clean. The TheraSnore can deteriorate, corrode, or even grow mold due to the nightly saliva, so it is best to keep a routine of cleaning the device….

Snore Guard vs ZQuiet Mouthpiece

Snore Guard vs. ZQuiet

Many people assume that in order for a mouthpiece to actually stop their snoring, they have to get the product through a dentist. After all, if a prescription is required then it must work better than one you can simply order online, right? Well, that may be true with other products, but this is definitely…

casper pillow

Casper Pillow Review

By now, everyone has probably heard of Casper mattresses and Casper pillows. As someone who obsesses about a good night’s sleep, I was going to have to review the Casper pillow at some point.   I’m always on the lookout for pillows that work well with snore guards such as the ZQuiet. Undoubtedly, Casper has been…

Breathe Right Nasal Strips

Breathe Right Nasal Strips

Breathe Right nasal strips are drug-free, non-prescription adhesive strips with an enclosed, firm support bar that works to mechanically open nasal passages and reduce resistance to air flowing through the nose, making breathing easier. They are flexible adhesive bands that are placed on the outside of the bridge of the nose. These are effective for…

Purple Pillow Review

Purple Pillow Review

Pillows seem simple. You fill a cloth bag with soft material, put it on a bed, and get a good night’s sleep. It’s the easiest thing in the world, and it’s low-tech. Why not a high-tech pillow, especially if it works really well?  The Purple Pillow won’t connect you to the Internet, or play music….

sleep number bed

Sleep Number Bed For Snoring

Is there anything better than waking up next to your loved one? Curling up together is  considered to be an essential factor in preserving a healthy and loving relationship – those who sleep together, stay together! However, bonding aside, sharing a bed can often be a logistical nightmare that demands a synchronicity of sleeping habits…

SnoreMD Pro Review

SnoreMD Pro Review

The big thing I noticed with SnoreMD was the price. It’s definitely more expensive than most mouthpieces I’ve rated (though still a fraction of what you’d pay for one from a dentist), so the big question is it worth the cost?  In my case in was very effective, though it’s not perfect. Advantages of SnoreMD…

SleepRight Intra Nasal Dilator Review

SleepRight Intra Nasal Dilator Review

The SleepRight is a one-size-fits-all nasal dilator that gently opens your nose to increase airflow and alleviate snoring nasal congestion, and allergies. The nasal dilator is latex, BPA, and drug-free. Once inserted in the nose, the flexible flares expand the nasal passages to increase airflow, while conforming to the shape of your nostrils for comfort….