Snoring Market Size

Size of the Snoring Market

The snoring industry is known to be hard to characterize both in size and scope.  According to the National Sleep Foundation’s information on snoring 90 million adults snore with some frequency, while 37 million do it habitually.  Naturally numbers vary across nations due to other health and dietary conditions, however we can assume that the market size is a substantial part of the population.

Though we know snoring affects many, we also know that most people will not take action to treat their snoring.  Whether they are unaware that treatments exist, or just consider it an inconvenience rather than a health condition, only a fraction of those that snore will seek medical treatment or invest in an anti-snoring device.  This makes the snoring market size especially hard to pin town.  Here’s what we know:

The Sleep Industry Market Size Is Growing

Determining Market Size and ScopeWe’ve seen forecasts that the entire sleep industry is at least $32 billion, and certainly continuing to grow.  This includes sleep aids, supplements, treatments, trainings, and other medical interventions to improve sleep.  Thought leaders like Arianna Huffington are starting to communicate the importance of sleep.  So we know that people are starting to realize the importance of rest and how it relates to health – but how does this translate to the snoring market?

America Is Becoming More Overweight

This isn’t news to anyone, but it might be news that being overweight greatly increases the frequency of snoring for adults.  As more Americans become overweight, we will see a tremendous increase in the percentage of the population that snores, both in adults and children.

Snoring Is Medically Linked To Other Conditions

Scientific research has now proven that snoring is more than an annoyance; it actually decreases the quality of your sleep, thus negatively impacting your health.  Snoring is now linked to daytime dysfunction and heart disease.

When we think about the snoring industry, it’s easiest to break it into 4 primary categories: snoring cases, devices, medications, and surgery.

  • Cases include mouth snorers, tongue base sleepers, primary snoring, obstructive sleep apnea, and nasal snoring.
  • Devices are sold both by prescription and over-the-counter.  Types of devices include mandibular advancement devices (MAD), tongue stabilizing devices (TSD), tongue retaining devices (TRD), continuous positive airway pressures (CPAP) device, nasal strips, chin straps, cones, pillows, mouthpieces, and rings.
  • Medication includes primarily sprays and pills.
  • Surgeries most commonly performed include Uvulopalatopharyngoplasty (UPPP), Uvulopalatoplasty (UP), palate implants, and radiofrequency ablation (RFA) of the soft palate.

Because of the scope of the market, it’s difficult to determine an exact market size for snoring.  However we know that for a company entering the market, if snoring is addressed well, the market opportunity is large. We’ve heard the famous Zyppah and SnoreRx radio commercials as well as seen the ZQuiet and PureSleep TV commercials so we know demand is high.