Theravent Sleep Study Results
Snoring can be a problem for people of all ages. Around thirty percent of people aged thirty years and above suffer from snoring. This can cause disruptions to both you and your partner’s sleep. Sleep plays a prominent role in your physical and mental health and ongoing sleep deficiencies are correlated with higher risks of heart disease, kidney disease, diabetes, and stroke.
The Theravent™ Advanced Nightly Snore Therapy is an FDA-approved, snoring aid consisting of Microvalve technology. There are no mouthpieces, no machines and no medications used with the product.
Similar to Ventus Medical’s prescription-only Provent Sleep Apnea Therapy, the technology is used to create a pressure difference within the throat. An adhesive device is placed over the nostrils and breathing in causes the Microvalve Technology to open.
This allows the user to breathe normally. As the user breathes out, a pressure difference known as an expiratory positive airway pressure (EPAP), is created to open the airway and prevent the vibrations that lead to snoring.
Multiple studies have been conducted to determine the effectiveness of Theravent:
Clinical Studies: One randomized study had a trial of 49 patients and was described as “rigorous” by sleep physician Philip Westbrook, MD. Out of these patients, 76% reported a reduction in snoring using a decibel meter. Furthermore, their bed partners reported there was a significant reduction in the amount of snoring and how loud it was.
In fact, it was found that 50% of the subjects had their snoring duration reduced in half. In comparison to nasal strips, Theravent was found to be five times more effective.
Subjective Studies: There were two studies conducted after the randomized trial mentioned above. An in-home evaluation was given to 43 subjects. After seven nights, a survey was given and 86% of bed partners found that the device reduced snoring.
In the second study, 46 frequent snorers were surveyed and 89% reported a reduction in snoring. In that study, 83% expressed interest in continuing the product.

EPAP Technology: The EPAP technology was demonstrated at being effective in treating sleep disordered breathing in 1983 where it showed potential for treating severe obstructive sleep apnea (OSA). EPAP differs from continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) by using your own breath.
This allows air into the throat without forcing it and prevents discomfort proving a gentle and natural alternative. Despite its early signs of success, it wasn’t until 2008 that the methodology became FDA-approved to be used in the prescription-only device Provent.
EPAP technology was tested over time in patients with OSA. Patients who used the device at the three-month mark continued to benefit. Snoring was reduced and subjective daytime sleepiness was decreased.
MicroValve Technology: The MicroValve technology used in Theravent has been tested in over 15 clinical trials. It has been used in over two million nights of sleep and is a solution to reduce snoring. It is important to note that while Theravent uses similar technology to Provent, it is not meant to be used to treat sleep apnea.
Provent Study: Theravent is a lower resistance version of Provent. When studying the predecessor of Theravent, 83% of users reported a reduction in snoring.
There are three types of Theravent available:
Theravent Lite is designed for light-snorers. The EPAP resistance is half that of Theravent Regular. It has the same design, but it designed to be more comfortable.
Theravent Regular is designed for moderate snorers.
Theravent Max is for loud, heavy snorers and uses twice the amount of EPAP resistance available in the Theravent Regular. Theravent Max has been shown to have a 73% reduction in snoring. This was higher than the 22% reduction reported by nasal-strip wearers. When asked, 89% of bed partners reported that Theravent Max reduced their partner’s snoring.
Final Thoughts: The research appears to show positive results from using Theravent. Once again, it is important to note that Theravent is not approved to treat sleep apnea. There is an adjustment period for users when first starting the product as breathing out can be a little more difficult. However, after a few days the user adjusts and does not notice the product. The application can be tricky for some, and it is not effective for mouth-breathers.
Theravent offers a trial pack for $9.99. The trial pack offers two nights of Theravent Lite, Regular, and Max. Seeking treatment for snoring is important. Snoring can lead to complications such as stroke and nocturia. Nocturia is a condition that can lead to a loss of bladder control for some people. For those not interested in pursuing Theravent, there are several snoring prevention devices available on the market.