
sleepphones on a weightlifter

SleepPhones Review

Sleep aids are not just for the people who snore. Sometimes the other person in bed needs something to drown out their partner’s sounds! SleepPhones are a natural way to help your bedmate fall asleep despite your snores. With SleepPhones, you can listen to ambient sounds, music, podcasts, or audiobooks, without disturbing anyone else. In…

Snoring Pillows How They Work

Snoring Pillows | How They Work

As anyone who has slept in the same room with someone who snores knows, any device that stops snoring is invaluable. First, What Causes Snoring? Snoring occurs when airflow through the nose and mouth is obstructed. This can be due to several factors, including: Obstructed nasal airways due to allergies, sinus infection, deviated septum, or…

SnoreRx Fitting Guide

Fitting and Adjusting SnoreRx

The biggest attraction to SnoreRx Plus is its high level of customization (full review here). Not only do you fit the lower and upper trays to your teeth; you are also able to adjust the lower jaw placement by using 10 different settings that are each 1 millimeter apart. As exciting as this is, some…

SnoreRx Custom Impression Benefits

SnoreRx: Custom Impression Benefits

The customization and adjustability factors are probably what attracted you to SnoreRx in the first place. You have likely read or been told that these features are beneficial, but do you really understand what makes them so great? Below are a few benefits you can look forward to from these two characteristics. Custom Impression Using…

AVEOtsd vs Good Morning Snore Solution reviews


CPAPs (Continuous Positive Airway Pressure) are devices that push air through your airway to ensure it is open and to prevent snoring. AveoTSD is a tongue retention device or TRD that is a one-size-fits-all anti-snore product. It forces your tongue to maintain an advanced position in your mouth to keep your air passage open. CPAP…

Zyppah Vs SnoreRX

Zyppah vs SnoreRx

Both of these snoring mouth guards are classified as MADs (mandibular advancement devices), though the Zyppah is more of a hybrid device. In my mind, both units are excellent options. However, SnoreRx has the edge over Zyppah due to its calibration functionality, comfort and superior customer service. Zyppah and SnoreRx Mouthpieces Compared Though I did…

The Company Behind SleepPro

The Company Behind SleepPro

If you are like many consumers these days, the company behind a product is just as important as the product itself. So if you are going to buy a mandibular advancement device, you probably want to know the company that makes it well. SleepPro is a UK-based company, but has distribution centers throughout Europe, Australia…

airsnore mouthpiece review

AirSnore Review

Snoring. It’s that beastly sound that can turn a peaceful night into a battleground, leaving you or your partner staring at the ceiling, wondering if sleep is just a myth. But what if I told you there’s a knight in shining armor ready to slay that beast? Enter the AirSnore mouthpiece and drops, a duo…

VitalSleep Vs PureSleep

VitalSleep vs PureSleep

These two MADs (mandibular advancement devices) made by VitalSleep and PureSleep both work very well. My wife and I slept comfortably with both devices. The convenience factor of the VitalSleep ultimately made it our preference over PureSleep. You have to be careful during the fitting process with PureSleep. Review all the instructions before you try either…