Better Sleep Awaits… We CAN Help You Stop Snoring

If snoring is a part of your nightly struggle, we don’t have to tell you about the exhaustion and damaged relationships that it can cause.

possible causes of snoring

Why Have I Started Snoring in My 30s? Uncovering the Possible Causes and Solutions

Mark Walton11 min read

Many people are surprised to find themselves snoring in their 30s. Snoring is often associated with older individuals or those who are overweight, but it can affect individuals of all ages and body types. Understanding why snoring has started in…

Stretching can strengthen the back and alleviate pain

How to Alleviate Middle Back Pain While Sleeping on Your Side

Mark Walton10 min read

If you suffer from middle back pain, you know how debilitating it can be, especially when it affects your sleep. Finding a comfortable sleep position that minimizes the discomfort can be challenging.In this article, we will explore the causes and…

Cost of a Breathing Machine

The Cost of a Breathing Machine: Everything You Need to Know

Mark Walton11 min read

Breathing machines, also sometimes known as ventilators, are vital medical devices that assist individuals who have difficulty breathing on their own. Whether it is due to a chronic respiratory condition, a temporary illness, or a medical procedure, breathing machines play…

A sleep apnea diagnosis must be properly treated

Simple Steps to Help You Stop Sleeping with Your Mouth Open

Mark Walton11 min read

Many people find it challenging to stay asleep with their mouths open. Apart from the discomfort it can cause, sleeping with your mouth open can have several negative consequences for your health. In this article, we will explore the common…

sleep is closely linked to our emotional well-being

Exploring the Mystery of Paradoxical Sleep: What Is REM Sleep?

Mark Walton11 min read

In the realm of sleep, there exists a remarkable and intriguing phenomenon known as REM sleep. To fully comprehend the intricacies of REM sleep, it is essential to first understand the fundamentals of sleep itself. Sleep, a natural and vital…