
ZQuiet vs CPAP

ZQuiet vs CPAP

CPAPs (Continuous Positive Airway Pressure) are machines that push air into your airway to keep it open and positively stop snoring. A ZQuiet is a mandibular advancement device or MAD that you wear inside your mouth. It keeps your jaw pushed forward and keeps your air passage open.   Instead of being considered a CPAP device,…

salt crystals

Can Salt Therapy Help with Snoring?

Halotherapy or salt therapy is a practice that has existed for centuries. It has been used to treat a variety of conditions, especially respiratory problems and skin issues. While salt therapy used to treat various ailments is believed to have existed for millennia, it wasn’t until 1843 that scientific research on the benefits of salt…

couples adding snoring rooms

The Growing Trend of Snore Rooms

Many couples are enjoying better sleep thanks to the popular trend of snore rooms. Loud snoring has long been a cause of restless nights and extra strain on relationships and marriages. Snoring couples not familiar with, or not able to use anti snoring mouthpieces usually sleep apart.  Lying next to a chronic snorer while trying…

ZZSnore Anti-Snoring Solution

ZZSnore Anti-Snoring Solution

There are many different types of anti-snoring products on the market today. If you experience problems with snoring, you can choose from products such as pillows, nasal strips, nasal dilators, and sprays. The effectiveness of an anti-snoring product can vary based on the quality and the person using it. One of the products available is…