Better Sleep Awaits… We CAN Help You Stop Snoring
If snoring is a part of your nightly struggle, we don’t have to tell you about the exhaustion and damaged relationships that it can cause.
VitalSleep vs. ZQuiet
If you are torn between VitalSleep and ZQuiet, you are not alone. These tend to be two stop snoring devices commonly compared because they do have some similarities, but they are more different than you might think. Comparison Material –…
Review of SnoreCare Nose Vents
We all know how important it is to get quality sleep on a regular basis. Those of us who struggle to sleep know only too well the variety of issues this can cause. Whether you are struggling to sleep because…
The Risks of Snoring During Pregnancy
Pregnancy is a period of both joy and discomfort for women. Over 9 to 10 months, pregnant women are responsible for the well-being of a developing baby while maintaining their own health. Week by week, mothers experience new symptoms and…
VitalSleep: Is it Your Ideal Option?
Not every mandibular advancement device (MAD) is a solution for every snorer. They all fit differently and have unique features, so always make your decision based on your needs and not how well it performed for someone else you know.…
A Guide to Fitting Your VitalSleep Mouthpiece
If you are like many others, you hear the term “boil-and-bite” and instantly panic. You may wonder if the process is painful, or you might be concerned that you will mess it up and your snoring mouthpiece will be ruined.…