
low sexual drive tied to apnea

How Respiratory Issues Affect Sleep

Sleep disorders have profound and widespread health effects beyond just feeling tired. Your body needs sleep to function properly. While sleeping, your body restores chemical balances and heals damaged processes. New connections and memories are laid down in your brain. Without enough sleep, brain and body systems start to malfunction and affect your quality of…

sleep apnea is caused by your tongue blocking breathing airflow

4 Unusual Signs of Sleep Apnea

Sleep apnea is a problem affecting millions of Americans today. Left untreated, sleep apnea can wreak havoc on physical and mental health. From heart disease and stroke to depression and anxiety, the number of health problems caused or worsened by snoring and obstructive sleep apnea are virtually innumerable. For this reason, treating sleep apnea as…

Silence Snoring to Ease Depression

Silence Snoring to Ease Depression

Snoring is an uncomfortable fact of life that many have to deal with on a nightly basis. From chronic stress and lack of sleep to strained relationships, there are problems associated with snoring that can reduce your quality of life. Other health problems associated with snoring include high blood pressure, heart disease, stroke, obesity, and…

sleep apnea is caused by your tongue blocking breathing airflow

Symptoms of Sleep Apnea

Do you find yourself yawning all day or waking up feeling just as tired as when you laid down? You’re not alone. Americans today are not getting enough sleep. While you may simply find there are not enough hours in the day, there may be a deeper reason for the never-ending exhaustion. Sleep apnea has…

Snore Guard Review

Snore Guard Review

Update: It looks like Snore Guard was unable to stay in business. We recommend that you have a look at our full list of the best anti-snoring mouthpieces on the market. Should save you a great deal of time finding the help you need. It only takes a really quick glance to realize that Snore…