Better Sleep Awaits… We CAN Help You Stop Snoring

If snoring is a part of your nightly struggle, we don’t have to tell you about the exhaustion and damaged relationships that it can cause.

Four Benefits of Air Purifiers to Improve Health and Wellbeing

Four Benefits of Air Purifiers to Improve Health and Wellbeing

Mark Walton5 min read

What looks like clean air can be filled with invisible particles and dirt. These microscopic air particles get into your airways, sinuses, and lungs and aggravate breathing issues like snoring and asthma. You need an air purifier to filter particles…

ZQuiet vs CPAP

ZQuiet vs CPAP

Mark Walton4 min read

CPAPs (Continuous Positive Airway Pressure) are machines that push air into your airway to keep it open and positively stop snoring. A ZQuiet is a mandibular advancement device or MAD that you wear inside your mouth. It keeps your jaw…

Somnoguard 3

An Overview of Different SomnoGuard Devices

Mark Walton3 min read

If you have read my review on SomnoGuard, then you already know that the device I put to the test was the AP version. This is their most popular snoring mouthpiece. However, I thought it would be helpful to include…

woman sneezes in a field of flowers

6 Things That Could Be Keeping You Awake

Mark Walton4 min read

At the end of a tiring day, there is no better feeling than settling down to relax, jumping into bed and drifting off into a long, deep sleep. If only it were that easy! The National Sleep Foundation recommends adults…

salt crystals

Can Salt Therapy Help with Snoring?

Mark Walton5 min read

Halotherapy or salt therapy is a practice that has existed for centuries. It has been used to treat a variety of conditions, especially respiratory problems and skin issues. While salt therapy used to treat various ailments is believed to have…